Saturday, 5 February 2011

wall mart cop

For the opening to this films its starts in the usual fashion of the company that made it and released it off Columbia studios, the other people who also contributed to it appeared called happy Madison, the opening music is tense and has a repetitive drum solo while you can see on object in gold going around making it a big enigmatic, and while this you look at this object for several seconds you can see other titles, but then you realise that it is a police badge making it seem honourable and suits in with the music and the film, the first shot you see is the new jersey police station and further on you see people doing a the regular activities of running around in a white shirt and police officer shouting at them and is to be taken as a serious institution, you can see the camera moving to uninterested average people with a shirt saying police academy then you see Paul Blart eating to give the stereotype he is fat and he is the only person with a moustache suggesting his is older and less physical able then others, you can hear dramatic music and heavy breathing to suggest that he cant move very well and the music to kind of patronise him, there a zoom away shot with his face deeply concentrating like he trying to make an effort and exaggerated arms movement for comedic effect, and the jumper is white to show that he is sweating so people would laugh at him and that why they did in a bay style to exaggerate his belly movement for comedic effect again, the music changes so he seem like he is a hero for doing a regular exercise and also that he is overtaking over people in a funny manner so it suggest its not taking itself seriously as a film and that’s a stereotypical of these types of comedies and this is furthered more that he does a backflip and looks like it was no effort to do it, and then he sees the finishing line about to come first ( to say the least that would have been unexpected) so he dashes to the line and then collapses to fall as sleep and execrated movements just towards the lines means that he failed despite almost coming first and this suggest that further tasks in the rest of the film is going to be a challenge and he needs to overcome them in a funny way
i am the law!!!

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